Con motivo del Día del Libro en inglés en 1º ESO estamos haciendo diálogos entre escritores famosos. Hoy conversación entre Roald Dahl y Virginia Woolf.
Y la semana que viene tendremos:
– James Joyce y Arthur Conan Doyle
– J.K. Rowling y Anne Frank
– Jane Austen y Lewis Carroll
– George Orwell y Charles Dickens.
On the occasion of World Book Day, the English students of 1st ESO are creating and dramatizing dialogues between famous writers in English. Today we had a conversation between Roald Dahl and Virginia Woolf.
Next week we will have the following conversations:
– James Joyce and Arthur Conan Doyle
– J. K. Rowling and Anne Frank.
– Jane Austen and Lewis Carroll.
– George Orwell and Charles Dickens.
– And more …